by Special Modern Design, a Brand Consultancy & Design Studio

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Why Is Branding Crucial For Startups?

By Mahesh Nair //

I’ve compiled some highlights from this article. I, 100% believe in knowing who you are, ‘why’ you are doing it, and what you look like before you try to sell yourself/product/company. —SMD


Startups need to move towards more sustainable and viable business models.

With effective branding you will further become visible to the investors and other stakeholders and be a valued firm.This is one big reason why startups should make branding an important component of their overall business strategy.

As the Modern Marketing Guru, Philip Kotler says…

“The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand, you are a commodity”.

If you want your startup to be valued for what you have created and want to stand out in a crowd, branding is the way to go.

Evolving a brand strategy makes the turbulent journey of startups more manageable through consensus building amongst co-founders and by providing a rare far-sighted lens in a very short term environment.

Products tend to change, teams transition and customers shift in the journey. But, once a brand has been created the core of the brand remains a constant and everything settles around it.

A clear brand strategy provides clarity and a roadmap for the team to be successful and how to meet the organizations goals.

Only startups which are able to reach out to their target customer bases with emotional connect, promising a particular experience and convey trust through effective branding, will survive.


If you are curious about what branding entails, take a look at this easy to understand graphic that shows the branding process in a linear way. —SMD